Little Wishlist - The Press Sun Feature | The Perfect Gift Registry
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Little Wishlist - The Press Sun Feature | The Perfect Gift Registry

LWL Paper

Recently, Little Wishlist was featured in The Sun, 'Fabulous' magazine.

Our founder, Julia, invited The Sun newspaper into her home to tell us how Little Wishlist is helping families to plan their present shopping.

Julia explained how she came up with the idea for creating the perfect gift list. 

After seeing how well a gift list worked for her wedding in 2014, she realised how useful the concept would be to combat duplicate and impractical gifts for her children.

She says: “The idea stemmed from when Jack was a newborn because while everyone was really generous with gifts, our home was soon overrun with baby gear, and some of it went untouched.

“We didn’t have a lot of money either, and I would’ve loved to have taken Jack to a baby massage class or booked a newborn baby photoshoot.

Wish lists for any occasion

“With hindsight, it would’ve been great if family and friends had said, ‘Here’s 20 quid towards it’. When he started nursery school, some of the mums began asking what he’d like for his birthday.

In the article, Julia explains how people use wish lists for any occasion, from Christmas lists to birthdays and Christening gifts. 

“If you’re saying, please don’t spend more than £5 or £10 on a gift, then you’re limited to plastic tat. It gets played with once, then it breaks. If you hold a birthday party for a class of 30 kids, that’s people spending between £5 and £15 each, so doesn’t it make sense to club together and buy something a child wants? It’s about being practical. 

“I’d reply to messages saying, ‘Here’s a little list of ideas’, but I’d only send suggestions if they asked me for some. I felt more comfortable that way. I’d suggest a mix of prices too.”

Little Wishlist in the press

Read the full article about present gift lists.

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